How to obtain Panamanian ID (Cedula)

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5 Respuestas

  1. Luise dice:

    I have permanent residency (pensionado) but have changed nationality and therefore passport. Can I still obtain a Cedula E by myself?

    • Panama Immigration dice:

      Good afternoon,
      With your permanent residency you can still obtain the cedula, you should have obtained the Cedula Letter from Immigration and request the cedula at the Tribunal Electoral.

  2. Elaine Bramson dice:

    Mi cedula expira en 2025. Si salgo del pais (Panama) de viaje y estoy afuera 1 ano le vigencia de mi cedula queda «no valida»? Hay un numero de dias, meses, etc con el cual puedo salir de Panama sin perder mi residencia? Consulte con mi abogado y el me dijo que la cedula vale hasta que expira y en ese momento tengo que renovarla. Es asi?

  3. Neil dice:

    How does this work during the “provisional” period of the FNV? Can you have an e-cedula during that period? Or do you have to wait until after the provisional period?

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